
Journal of Modern European History: articles on resistance and collaboration

A special issue of the Journal of Modern European History has just been published: ‘Resistance and Collaboration in the Second World War as Transnational Phenomena‘.

ISSN print: 1611-8944, ISSN online: 1611-8944, DOI: 10.17104/1611-8944-2018-2-175

Robert Gerwarth / Robert Gildea
Seite 175–182

Samuël Kruizinga
Struggling to Fit in. The Dutch in a Transnational Army, 1936–1939
Seite 183–202

Diego Gaspar Celaya
«Premature Resisters». Spanish Contribution to the French National Defence Campaign in 1939/1940
Seite 203–224

Jochen Böhler, Jacek Andrzej Młynarczyk
Collaboration and Resistance in Wartime Poland (1939–1945) – A Case for Differentiated Occupation Studies
Seite 225–246

Ismee Tames
Transnational Identities of Dutch Nazi-Collaborators and their Struggle for Integration into the National Community
Seite 247–268

Xosé M. Núñez Seixas
Unable to Hate? Some Comparative Remarks on the War Experiences of Spaniards and Italians on the Eastern Front, 1941–1944
Seite 269–290

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