
Journal of Modern European History: articles on resistance and collaboration

A special issue of the Journal of Modern European History has just been published: ‘Resistance and Collaboration in the Second World War as Transnational Phenomena‘. ISSN print: 1611-8944, ISSN online: 1611-8944, DOI: 10.17104/1611-8944-2018-2-175 Contents: Robert Gerwarth / Robert Gildea Introduction Seite 175–182 Samuël Kruizinga Struggling to Fit in. The Dutch in a Transnational Army, 1936–1939…

CfP: International Journal of Military History and Historiography, ‘Women and the Second World War’

The International Journal of Military History and Historiography will commemorate the seventieth anniversary of the start of the Second World War with a special issue dedicated to the wartime experiences of women. The literature of the Second World War has shifted from a narrow focus on political, military and diplomatic interpretations of the origins and…

CfP: Contested Borders? Practising Empire, Nation and Region in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Conference at the German Historical Institute London, 26–28 April 2018 Brexit, the Basque country, Kashmir – the drawing of social and spatial boundaries, the question of belonging, and the creation of identity are at the heart of many current debates. They are based on general political, social, and economic developments and the historical experience of…

CfP: ‘France, Europe and the World’: SSFH Annual Conference

Society for the Study of French History 31st Annual Conference France, Europe and the World University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 26-27 June 2017 Confirmed plenary speakers: Robert Gildea (Oxford) Marie-Laure Legay (Lille 3) John Merriman (Yale) Sophie Wahnich (CNRS) The history of France has been profoundly shaped by its European and global entanglements. Whether through its…

CfP: Fascist Warfare: A Concept to Understand Fascism and Total War in the First Half of the Twentieth Century

UAB, Barcelona, March 16-17 2017 Organising Committee: Javier Rodrigo, David Alegre and Miguel Alonso Grup d’Estudis República i Democràcia, Department of Modern and Contemporary History, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona The main aim of this conference is to debate about the existence of a specific way of making war typical of fascism, that is to say,…